Snap Pea Pasta
45 Min

Snap Pea Pasta

The snap pea is an edible peapod that came into existence in the 1970’s as a cross between a shelling pea and a snow pea. Snap peas do well in colder climates and for these past two weeks, the local Farmer’s market tables, particularly Plant-it-Forward and Animal Farm, have been laden with wispy tender bright green delicious snap peas. Nothing like the commercial variety, they have a delicious hint of sweetness and a snappy crunch. Try adding them at the end of cooking a stew or a curry or cook them quickly in a stir-fry to retain their bright green color and crunch. I often add a handful to soup or beans or to a pot of rice, just after it has finished cooking.

Here is a light and springy herb-forward pasta with snap peas using a lot of dill and parsley. In the spirit of spring cleansing, I decided to skip the cream or even coconut milk, instead studded the pasta with copious amounts of herbs. If not dill or parsley, use basil and cilantro. The pine nuts add a crunchy depth, blueberries a touch of sweet for balance and lime juice brightens the whole dish. There are so many possibilities with this pasta – add a couple of tablespoons of tahini or nut butter like cashew or almond when adding the pasta or crumble cheese over it just before serving. Skip the blueberries and add halved cherry tomatoes or sun-dried tomatoes.

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Cook Time

45 Minutes



Step 1
In a large Dutch oven or stockpot over high heat, boil the pasta according to the packaged instructions and drain. This is a dryish pasta dish so it’s best to slightly overcook the pasta since there is no accompanying sauce.
Step 2
While the pasta is draining, over high heat, in the same Dutch oven or stockpot, warm the olive oil and slide in the garlic. Cook for just a few seconds or until the garlic turns white with golden edges (do not let it go brown or it will taste bitter). Immediately add the fennel seeds, let them pop – this should also only take a few seconds. Then add the snap peas and serrano peppers. Cook for roughly 2 to 3 minutes then add the drained pasta (which should still be warm) along with the herbs, pine nuts, blueberries, salt, and lime juice. Toss it gently together and taste test. Add more salt, olive oil or lime juice as needed.
1 pound fresh or dried penne pasta
4 tablespoons olive oil
4 large cloves of thinly sliced garlic
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
4 cups trimmed and sliced sugar snap peas
1 to 2 minced serrano peppers
2 cups finely chopped dill & parsley
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup blueberries
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
Juice of 2 limes

Notes & Variations

  • When chopping the herbs, use leaves and tender stalks. To get 2 cups, depending on the size of the bunch, you may need 2 bunches of each herb.
  • Fold an egg into the pasta when it is still hot.
  • To avoid processing the herbs, you could blend them in a blender along with the serrano pepper and 1/2 cup of pasta liquid, water, cream or coconut milk.
45 Min


Pasta with herbs is our fave!

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