120 Min
Black Turtle Bean Curry with Butternut Squash
These turtle beans are not typically seen in India, however like most other beans they are delicious with spices. The butternut sqush adds a sweet, creamy flavor and makes for strikingly beautiful presentation.
These turtle beans are not typically seen in India, however like most other beans they are delicious with spices. The butternut sqush adds a sweet, creamy flavor and makes for strikingly beautiful presentation.

2 Hours + Soaking Time

Notes & Variations
- When frying spices in oil, be careful not to have the heat too high or they will burn and turn bitter in flavor.
- This recipe will work with most beans, like pinto, navy, or red.
- Substitute butternut squash with carrots or turnips.
- Both the beans and the squash can be prepared a day or two in advance.
- Canned black beans will work too, use 2 cans per recipe.

Notes & Variations
- When frying spices in oil, be careful not to have the heat too high or they will burn and turn bitter in flavor.
- This recipe will work with most beans, like pinto, navy, or red.
- Substitute butternut squash with carrots or turnips.
- Both the beans and the squash can be prepared a day or two in advance.
- Canned black beans will work too, use 2 cans per recipe.

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Black beans for days.
Don't take your chef hat off just yet- at least not until you've tried these recipes!