25 Min
Winter Citrus Salad
25 Minutes
Notes & Variations
- To replace goat cheese with garbanzo beans, cook 1/2 cup dried beans until done. Drain. Sauté over high heat with 2 tablespoons olive oil, black salt, and 2 teaspoons dried ginger.
- Add 3 to 4 cups of tender, crisp green leaves like arugula, endive, spinach, or baby romaine leaves to the bottom of the salad — increase the dressing quantity.
Notes & Variations
- To replace goat cheese with garbanzo beans, cook 1/2 cup dried beans until done. Drain. Sauté over high heat with 2 tablespoons olive oil, black salt, and 2 teaspoons dried ginger.
- Add 3 to 4 cups of tender, crisp green leaves like arugula, endive, spinach, or baby romaine leaves to the bottom of the salad — increase the dressing quantity.
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