Zucchini with Ocean Masala
20 Min

Zucchini with Ocean Masala

Ocean masala may have been created with seafood in mind, but it is good with so many other things including vegetables and poultry. Zucchini is the kind of bland everyday vegetable that absorbs flavor effortlessly and this masala is the perfect foil for it.
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Cook Time

20 Minutes



Step 1
Over high heat, in a medium sized frying pan, warm the olive oil.
Step 2
Cut the zucchini into thick 3/4-inch diagonal slices and sear on both sides on high heat, sprinkling a little bit of salt on each side. This will take 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Make sure the zucchini is not covered or it will get soggy.
Step 3
When all the zucchini has been cooked, sprinkle the ocean masala on both sides and turn the heat off. Garnish with herbs and serve warm.
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 medium to large zucchini or yellow squash (roughly 1.5 pounds total)
Scant salt
2 to 3 tablespoons of Ocean Masala
Minced or sprigs of cilantro

Notes & Variations

  • Ocean Masala can be purchased on india1948.com or Pondicheri Restaurant.
20 Min

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