Grilled Moringa Drumsticks
20 Min

Grilled Moringa Drumsticks

Nicknamed the “tree of life” for its nutritional density, the moringa drumstick tree is native to tropical regions of Asia and India. The drumstick pods, an essential part of Ayurvedic regimens, are an incredible source of calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin C and antioxidants.

But most important, most Indians love them for their meaty insides. The first time I sucked the pulp off an artichoke leaf, it reminded me of drumsticks. They can be cooked over an outdoor grill or stewed in a soup or a curry.

Over the past few years, moringa has gained popularity in the West, and it’s not uncommon to see the fast-growing trees in suburban neighborhoods with the long distinctive pods hanging off them. Try them simply grilled with salt and pepper and a delicious saffron yogurt dip.

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Cook Time

20 Minutes



Step 1
To make yogurt: Mix the yogurt with saffron, salt, and lemon juice. Set aside for a few hours for the saffron to take on the color.
Step 2
To serve, place the saffron yogurt onto a plate, drizzle the honey or maple syrup on top. Heat the olive oil and pop the coriander seeds. Immediately turn the heat off.
Step 3
Pour this oil over the yogurt on the serving plate. Decorate with herbs and serve.
Step 4
Rub the moringa drumsticks with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Place them on a hot grill and cook them on both sides for 2 to 3 minutes each.
Step 5
Remove and sprinkle amchur on them. Slice into 6 to 7-inch pieces.
1 cup plain whole-milk yogurt
Pinch of saffron
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
Juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon honey or maple syrup
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
Fresh herbs
4 to 5 moringa drumsticks (roughly one pound).
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon amchur

Notes & Variations

  • Coriander seeds are very fragile – be careful when popping them in oil. If they turn blackish brown, discard and start over.
  • Instead of yogurt, try sour cream.
  • Add half a teaspoon of chili powder to add heat to the dip.
20 Min

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More moringa please!

Moringa is sold 3 ways: fresh leaves, dried leaves & powdered. When buying the leaves or powder, ensure they are bright green! If they are a dull green, it’s not fresh. Have a go at cooking with moringa with the recipes below!

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